Can Foreigners Buy Property in Singapore? – A Friendly Guide

The UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2023 states the housing market in Singapore is “fairly valued”. This is true compared to other major cities, despite government cooling efforts. This situation makes Singapore’s real estate appealing for foreigners looking to invest. Singapore puts its citizens first with rules on property ownership for foreigners. Yet, there are still many chances for non-residents to own property.

First, it’s important to know who counts as a foreigner. This group includes non-Singapore citizens, non-Singapore companies, and even Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs) to a degree. Investors interested in Singapore’s market for expats should get to know these rules well.

Key Takeaways

  • The housing market in Singapore is considered “fairly valued” according to the UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2023 report.
  • Investing in Singapore’s real estate remains attractive despite government restrictions for non-resident property ownership.
  • Foreigners include non-Singapore citizens, non-Singapore corporate entities, and certain limitations apply to Singapore PRs.
  • An understanding of property ownership laws is crucial for foreign investors.
  • Opportunities abound for foreign investors in the Singapore property market for expats.

Understanding Who is Considered a Foreigner in Singapore

Understanding property ownership laws in Singapore for foreigners is not easy. It’s key to know who counts as a foreigner for property buying. The Singapore Land Authority states a foreigner is anyone not a Singapore citizen.

Defining a Foreigner

In Singapore, a foreigner is not just individuals without Singaporean citizenship. This group also includes businesses and partnerships not registered here. Such groups must follow Singapore’s property ownership laws for foreigners.

Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs)

Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs) have unique property rules. Although they’re not citizens, they get easier terms for property buying. PRs can buy resale HDB flats and Executive Condominiums (ECs) with certain conditions. They can also seek permission to purchase landed property but face hefty taxes.

Types of Properties Available for Foreigners

Foreign buyers can choose from many property types in Singapore. From public housing to high-end private homes, there’s a lot for non-residents. This part talks about the kinds of properties open to them and the rules they must follow.

Public Housing: HDB Flats and Executive Condominiums

The Housing & Development Board (HDB) offers affordable homes, but rules for foreigners are strict. Permanent Residents (PRs) may buy resale HDB flats. New HDB flats, though, are not for non-Singapore PRs. Executive Condominiums for non-residents become options after five years, making them a good semi-private choice for PRs.

Private Condominiums and Apartments

Foreigners find private condos and apartments appealing in Singapore. No need for government okay makes things easier. They are a hit with foreign investors for their up-to-date features and great locations.

Landed Properties

Private landed property ownership is harder for foreigners. To buy these, one must get a yes from the Singapore Land Authority (SLA). You need to show how you’ll help the economy. These homes, like bungalows and terraces, are sought after but not easy to get.

Commercial Properties

Commercial real estate for foreign investors is easier to dive into. Foreigners can buy most business and industrial properties freely, no government nod needed. These spots are great for investing and can give good returns. They are well-liked by global buyers wanting to grow their business.

Restrictions on Property Ownership for Foreigners

Singapore has set rules on how foreigners can own property. These rules help protect local citizens’ interests. They also create opportunities for foreign investors. The rules change based on the kind of property a foreigner wants to buy.

Approval Process for Landed Properties

To buy landed property in Singapore, foreigners must get permission from the Singapore Land Authority (SLA). They need to show they will contribute economically. This rule keeps the residential area balanced. It allows foreigners to own property only if it benefits the country.

Limitations on Public Housing

There are strict rules for non-residents wanting to buy HDB (public housing). These rules make sure Singapore citizens come first. Non-PRs can’t buy new HDB flats. Singapore PRs have more options but must meet certain requirements. These rules are key for foreigners looking at public housing.

Other Restricted Property Types

Some types of properties, like bungalows and service apartments, need approval too. This keeps most top properties for locals. Yet, foreigners can buy private apartments or condos easier. This offers them a simpler way to invest in residential property.

Taxes and Fees Foreigners Must Pay When Buying Property

Foreign buyers face several taxes and fees when buying property in Singapore. These costs are important for complying with local laws. They greatly influence the total cost of owning property.

Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD)

The Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD) is a major tax for international purchases. It varies with the property’s value and applies to all buyers, including foreigners. BSD rates are as follows:

Property Value (SGD)BSD Rate
First $180,0001%
Next $180,0002%
Next $640,0003%
Over $1,000,0004%

Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD)

Foreign buyers have an extra tax, the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD). It covers the entire price or the market value, whichever is higher. The ABSD rate for foreigners is a steep 30%, much higher than for locals or Permanent Residents.

Property Taxes

It’s important to know about Property Tax. This is an annual tax based on possible rental income. Tax rates are different for lived-in and rented-out properties. Rented-out homes have higher taxes.

Seller’s Stamp Duty (SSD)

There’s also a Seller’s Stamp Duty (SSD) for selling foreign-owned property within a certain timeframe. SSD rates reduce the longer you hold the property:

Holding PeriodSSD Rate
Up to 1 year12%
More than 1 year and up to 2 years8%
More than 2 years and up to 3 years4%
More than 3 years0%

Financing Options for Foreign Buyers

Getting a loan for property purchase in Singapore can be complex for foreigners. You have to know about mortgage options, Loan to Value (LTV) ratios, and cash needed upfront. We will go over these topics to help foreign investors understand how to get a mortgage.

Mortgage Loans

Foreigners have good access to mortgage loans in Singapore. Many banks and financial institutions offer them attractive loan options. However, foreign buyers need to provide detailed financial information. This includes income proof and credit history. Although the process is somewhat similar to that for locals, there might be extra steps for foreigners.

Loan to Value (LTV) Ratios

Understanding the Loan to Value ratio is key when seeking a mortgage in Singapore. Usually, foreigners can borrow up to 75% of the property’s value for their first mortgage. For additional loans, the LTV ratio will be lower. The final LTV ratio also depends on the borrower’s age, loan duration, and property’s value.

Cash Down Payment

The cash down payment is vital in property financing for foreigners. They generally need to pay at least 20% of the property’s price in cash. This amount can change depending on the property’s value and the buyer’s finances. It shows the initial money that needs to be paid.

Mortgage Loan AvailabilityHigh, with competitive packages from various banks.
Loan to Value Ratio (LTV)Up to 75% for the first loan; lower for subsequent loans.
Minimum Cash Down PaymentAt least 20% of the property’s purchase price.

Steps to Buying a Property as a Foreigner in Singapore

If you’re looking to invest in Singapore real estate from abroad, having a clear plan helps. This guide will walk you through buying property in Singapore as a foreigner. It covers all you need to know about the process.

“The first step involves familiarizing yourself with Singapore’s property ownership laws, ensuring the type of property you intend to buy is accessible to foreigners.”

Start by understanding the legal side of things. Then, it’s crucial to do your homework on the market. Navigating Singapore property purchase process means knowing which areas fit your budget and needs. Look at reliable sources to understand property prices and market trends.

Next, figure out your financing options. As a foreigner, you can apply for loans, but you need to understand the Loan to Value (LTV) ratios and down payments. Knowing your financial standing is key to navigating any surprises in the buying process.

  • Engage a professional: Hiring a licensed real estate expert is wise. They can guide you through the Singapore property market and help you make smart choices.
  • Legal counsel: Get a legal professional on your side to handle the paperwork. They’ll make sure you meet all legal requirements, especially for certain properties.
  • Complete the purchase: Be ready to handle taxes like Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD) and Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD). These are important parts of your budget.

To buy property in Singapore as a foreigner without stress, follow these steps. They make the process manageable. Here’s a quick overview of what you need to do:

Legal FamiliarizationUnderstand ownership laws
Market ResearchAnalyze property values and trends
Secure FinancingObtain mortgage loan, consider LTV and down payment
Engage ProfessionalsHire a real estate consultant and legal counsel
Complete PurchasePay BSD, ABSD, and other taxes

Why Invest in the Singapore Property Market?

Investing in Singapore’s property market is attractive for many reasons. One reason is the country’s stable political and economic environment.

Stable Political and Economic Environment

Singapore offers a stable investment climate. It has a robust legal framework and consistent economic policies. These make sure property values stay high, drawing in investors from abroad.

Both political stability and economic predictability lower the risks of property investment.

Favorable Tax Regime

Singapore real estate investment comes with major tax perks. There’s no capital gains tax or inheritance tax here. The only tax charged is the Seller’s Stamp Duty (SSD), for properties sold quickly after buying.

Strategic Location

Singapore’s location is a huge advantage. It’s at the core of major international trade routes. This makes it a key hub for worldwide business.

Its strategic spot, along with a strong currency and financial leadership, offers vital diversification. This attracts international investors looking for opportunities in Southeast Asia.


Buying property in Singapore is possible for foreigners. But they face more rules and higher taxes than locals. Singapore’s economy is strong and its location is excellent. It’s also known for good tax policies. This makes it an attractive place for investing.

Before investing, it’s important to know about the property laws, types of properties, how to finance them, and the taxes. Foreigners should learn about the need for approval for some properties and the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD). Good research and advice from experts are key. This way, you can make smart investments. Investing in Singapore’s property can be financially rewarding and give you a connection to a leading Asian economy.

For foreigners, success in Singapore’s property market means following its laws closely. Despite the hurdles, the benefits make it worth considering. Singapore offers strong growth and stability, which is appealing to investors. Knowing the rules well allows foreigners to enjoy the investment opportunities in Singapore.


Can foreigners buy property in Singapore?

Yes, foreigners can purchase property in Singapore. However, they face certain restrictions and have to pay higher taxes than locals. It’s important for them to understand what properties they can buy and to know about legal and financial rules.

Who is considered a foreigner in Singapore?

In Singapore, a foreigner is defined as someone who isn’t a Singapore citizen. This category also includes non-citizens, corporate entities, limited liability partnerships, and associations. Even Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs) are considered foreigners.

What types of properties are available for foreigners?

Foreigners are allowed to buy private condos, apartments, some landed properties with approval, and most commercial properties. Singapore Permanent Residents can also purchase resale HDB flats and Executive Condominiums under specific conditions.

What are the restrictions on property ownership for foreigners?

Foreigners are required to get approval before buying landed properties. They are not allowed to purchase new HDB flats. Also, buying properties like bungalows and terrace houses needs authority approval.

What taxes and fees do foreigners need to pay when buying property in Singapore?

Foreign buyers need to cover the Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD) and Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD). They also pay annual property taxes and the Seller’s Stamp Duty (SSD) if they sell the property within a certain time.

What financing options are available for foreign buyers?

Foreigners can get mortgage loans but must meet specific rules. These include Loan to Value (LTV) ratios and certain down payment amounts, which depend on the borrower’s age and the loan’s length.

What are the steps to buying a property as a foreigner in Singapore?

The process starts with understanding legal rules and checking if you’re eligible. Next, research the market, figure out financing, follow tax laws, and work with a licensed real estate consultant and lawyer. You might need approval for some property types.

Why is the Singapore property market attractive for investors?

Singapore attracts investors because of its stable politics and economy, good tax rules, and great location. These factors make investing in Singapore’s property market very appealing.