Is Singapore Property Overpriced? Exploring Market Trends

Recently, Singapore’s property prices have soared, leading to worries about being able to afford a home. 99-SRX data shows new condo prices per square foot spiked to S$2,469 in 2023. This is a 48% surge from S$1,668 back in 2020. Even with the government trying to keep prices in check by raising the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) for foreigners by 60%, prices keep climbing.

Last August, the property scene was buzzing with 54 HDB resale flats selling for more than $1 million each. This kind of high-end deal, like a resale HDB flat bought for $1.48 million, spotlights the soaring market. It makes people wonder how affordable housing in Singapore really is.

Key Takeaways

  • The median per-square-foot price of new condominiums in Singapore reached S$2,469 in 2023, a 48% rise since 2020.
  • Government cooling measures, including a 60% increase in ABSD, aim to control foreign buyer interest.
  • Despite these measures, high-profile transactions such as million-dollar HDB resale flats continue to occur.
  • August 2023 saw 54 HDB flats sold for over $1 million, marking significant milestones in the market.
  • Concerns about housing affordability in Singapore persist as property prices continue to rise.

Historical Trends in Singapore’s Property Market

The Singapore property market has seen many ups and downs over time. We’ll explore the market before Covid, the changes during the pandemic, and how it’s recovering now.

Pre-Covid Market Behavior

From 2012 to 2017, even though people were earning 22% more, property prices stayed pretty flat. Government measures kept the housing market in check during this time. Prices for condos and HDB flats fell nearly 8% from 2013 to 2016.

Market Shifts During the Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic slowed down economies worldwide, but Singapore’s property market stayed strong. This period showed us how people’s housing preferences changed. There was steady demand, especially for houses, as people looked for more private spaces.

Post-Pandemic Recovery and Current State

After the pandemic, Singapore’s housing market bounced back strongly. From 2017 to 2022, the prices of properties went up a lot, more than people’s incomes. Condo prices increased by 34%, and HDB flats went up by 30%, thanks to more investments in houses and growing confidence in the market.

YearIncome Growth (%)Condominium Resale Price Change (%)HDB Resale Price Change (%)

Factors Contributing to Rising Property Prices

Several elements have led to higher property prices in Singapore. Economic growth, government actions, and foreign investment have driven this increase. These factors help us understand the market’s current state.

Economic Indicators and Income Growth

Singapore’s economy has been growing steadily. From 2017 to 2022, median incomes increased by 3.7% each year. During that time, the price per square foot for new condos went up by 61%. This big difference between income growth and property prices makes it hard for many to find affordable homes.

Government Cooling Measures

The government in Singapore has tried to cool down the hot property market. Since 2012, they have launched various measures. The latest was in April 2023, raising the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty for some buyers. These steps aim to reduce speculation and prevent a property bubble. However, prices have kept climbing, affecting affordable housing availability.

Foreign Investment and Demand

Foreign investment greatly influences Singapore’s property prices. The country attracts a lot of foreign money and businesses, becoming a prime spot for investors. The high demand from both local and international buyers pushes property prices up. This makes finding affordable homes even harder. The mix of investment and demand adds to the struggle of managing price rises and the fear of a property bubble.

Is Singapore Property Overpriced?

Singapore’s property market is getting a lot of global attention. People wonder if a property bubble is about to happen. The situation in Singapore is unique, thanks to different social and economic factors.

Comparison with Other Major Markets

In 2023, Singapore might beat Hong Kong in having the most expensive homes. The median home price could hit $1.2 million. Immigration, young professionals wanting their own space, and HDB flats contribute to the rising prices.

Affordability for Singaporeans

Home prices in Singapore are soaring. This makes it hard for many to afford homes, especially private ones. High costs highlight the need for policies to help locals afford homes in the long run.

Speculation and Property Bubble Concerns

Prices keep going up, sparking talk of a property bubble. With more investors investing in Singapore’s property, risks of the market overheating are worrying. It’s crucial to find the right balance in policies to keep the market healthy without bad effects.

Government Interventions and Their Impact

The Singapore government has taken steps to stabilize the housing market. They increased the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) in April 2023. This was to cool down the hot market. It focused on foreign buyers and those owning multiple properties. The goal was to reduce investment for profit and make housing more affordable for locals.

These measures by the government seem to be working. From May to July 2023, condo resale prices slightly fell by 0.24%. This ended a long period of rising prices. However, the challenge of limited land still affects the market. It shows how market forces and government actions are both important in Singapore.

Singapore’s housing market remains strong despite global economic challenges. This strength comes from the interest of buyers and strict government rules. The government keeps an eye on the market to ensure its growth benefits everyone. This shows its dedication to making housing affordable while keeping the market stable.


Is Singapore property overpriced?

Many think Singapore property is overpriced due to recent price jumps. Condo prices hit S$2,469 per square foot in 2023. Also, HDB resale transactions have been substantial. This supports the belief that prices are too high.

How has the Singapore property market evolved over the years?

From 2012 to 2017, property prices didn’t change much. But after 2017, prices started to shoot up. Condo resale prices rose by 34%, and HDB flats saw a 30% increase.

What are the main factors contributing to the rise in property prices?

Economic growth, foreign investment, and government measures played big roles. Even though incomes grew by 3.7% annually from 2017 to 2022, property prices shot up more dramatically.

Are government cooling measures effective?

Yes, government efforts have slightly cooled the market. Condo resale prices dipped by 0.24% from May to July 2023. But, limited land keeps pushing prices up despite these measures.

Is there a property bubble in Singapore’s real estate market?

The fast climb in prices and affordability issues raise fears of a bubble. Yet, the government is taking steps to manage these concerns well.

How do Singapore’s property prices compare to other major markets?

Singapore’s housing prices might surpass Hong Kong’s, reaching a median of $1.2 million in 2023. This highlights how pricey our market is compared to others in the region.

What is the affordability status for Singaporeans?

Rising prices outstrip income growth, making homes less affordable for many. Still, the government is trying to keep housing within reach.

How does foreign investment impact Singapore’s property market?

Foreign investment boosts demand and strengthens the market. To manage its impact, the government has raised ABSD rates for foreign buyers.